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Us : “It’s done”
Client :“Perfect. Thanks.”
Everything we do, is expected to lead to this conversation.
We love giving jobs to people who love to get the job done.
We love hard workers. We love smart workers even better. We love the day dreamers, but we love them more when they dream about the future.
We believe in the dignity and impact of labor. Some of our most impactful services have been the most simplest. In today’s world, your work should be measured by impact, not designations or roles.
We expect a wave of artificial intelligence and automation to reinvent how digital marketing is done, and value people who constantly keep their skills updated.
We occupy the space in between the busy client, and the maze of technology, creativity and processes that drive their businesses.
We earn our clients trust to do the right thing for them.
It is complicated, but its also incredibly simple.
Think it through. Make it matter. Make it work.
We have launched an internship program in 2020, after 13 years of operations. This will go live in June 2020 for the first batch.
Why now?
We now have a first and second tier of leaders and consultants who can guide the interns to gain the best from their time here.
We have no age, gender or qualification criterion but will ruthlessly focus on attitude. There will be interviews and tests and only those who qualify will be selected for the limited slots.
We have had multiple success stories of candidates who have worked their way up the system and are now digital marketing strategists to multi million dollar businesses. When you talk to us, we are happy to give their details – they can tell you all about their journey at Analyse Digital.
Candidates can experience the heat and daily battles of running high performance digital marketing campaigns for different industries and geographies. It is one thing to watch videos on digital marketing, and quite another to see the actual campaigns in action.
We do not have a standalone training program and the interns will be assigned directly into live projects under the supervision of senior personnel.
The interns may be allotted to different departments based on the availability of openings. Interns cannot choose their departments and will assigned by the leadership team.
There will be potential openings in various departments ranging from web development, to content writing, design and customer support. The allocation of the intern to the selected department will be based on their existing skills and their evaluation prior to the commencement of the program.
The pay and benefits will be fixed based on the uptake for each batch. This will be shared transparently during the offer process and the candidate is free to choose to join the program based on their acceptance.
Data security and Privacy
All the strict rules on data security and protocols apply to each intern in the program. Only those who are willing to agree to the mandatory privacy and confidentiality norms can be accepted into the program and any violation of the norms will result in legal action.
Job offers
On completion of the internship program, some interns maybe made job offers to join the company as full time employees with commensurate pay and benefits. The number of offers made and openings will be decided at the discretion of the company based on the business parameters prevailing at the time.
Experience Certificates
Experience certificates will be issued to candidates who have completed the internship program successfully. This is subject to performance, attendance and adherence to the company’s rules and policies defined to the candidate at the start of the program.